My Recent New Book Haul

I have been collecting these books since June, and I am happy with this little haul of mine. There is a mixture of cozy mystery, cozy fantasy, romance, historical fiction, and fantasy. I mean, seriously, what is not to love about these books? Also, I should confess that some of these authors are new to me, but their books still sound great. So, I am going to break this up into Book Store Books and Book Of The Month Books. I will include a Goodreads description with each one in case you are interested in checking them out, too.

Book Store Books:

On Spine Of Death by Tamara Berry I picked this one up because I loved the first book in the series so much. The first book is Buried In A Good Book and it seriously had me laughing from the first chapter. I was hooked. I am hoping that the second book in the series will be just as good. If you are looking for a new cozy mystery series, then I suggest checking this one out because I do not think you will be disappointed. This is what Goodreads has to say about it:

The next book I picked up was The Wheelwright’s Daughter by Eleanor Porter. I had never heard of this author before, but when I read the description, I was sold. This book was in the entryway at the bookstore where I shop. The cover is beautiful, and as I said, the description is spot-on. Besides, the book was only five or eight dollars, so I figured it was worth the risk. This is what Goodreads has to say about it:

This Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune is a book I heard about from a girl I follow on Instagram. I had never read Carley Fortune until I picked up this book. I decided to pick this one up because every summer, my Husband, Son, and I spend a week or so on Prince Edward Island, but this year, we decided to stay close to home. I am not going to lie I love the island so much and I may be a bit homesick for it even though I have never lived there. When I saw this cover, it reminded me of the Island and bonus; the story takes place on the island as well. I was sold and spoiler I have already read it and loved it. This is what Goodreads has to say about it:

I am a fan of cozy fantasies, and when I saw this one, I just had to have it. Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne looks and sounds amazing. I mean, forget the beautiful cover and the sprayed edges. Let me focus on what the story is about. A couple run away together to the outskirts of Dragon Country to open a book and tea shop. What is not to love? There is also an evil queen having a ginormous tantrum. Yes Please. I am so excited to start this one, and Rebecca Throne is a new author to me, so that is a plus. This is book one in a new series called Tomes & Tea, and I really hope I love it. This is what Goodreads has to say about it:

Book Of The Month Books:

I have two books in this category to haul. One is from June, and one is from July. I have read one of them already, and one of the authors in this haul is new to me, which is always exciting. I am so looking forward to getting to the other. Let me begin with my June pick, which is One-Star Romance by Laura Hankin. This is the new to me author and also the book that I have read. I enjoyed the book when I was reading it, but I think that maybe this one is a bit forgettable for me. This is what Goodreads has to say about it:

My July pick was The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer, and I am so freakin excited to start it. The story is inspired by C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia. Reader, I am such a huge fan of this story, so you can imagine when I saw the inspiration behind The Lost Story, I just needed to have it. I also must say that I really loved Meg’s previous book, The Wishing Game. This is what Goodreads has to say about it:

Reader, please tell me if you have read any of these books or even these authors. If you have, I would be very interested in hearing which books or authors you have read and how you felt about them. Until Next Time, Reader, Happy Reading.